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Gayne who was Chairman of the London Society for many years passed away on August 29th.
After he retired as Chairman he became Hon. Librarian, meticulously looking after the Society’s collection of over 3,500 books on London, a job he only gave up in 2017.
He loved London, its history and its buildings. He ran the marathon to raise money and awareness for the campaign to save the Mappin and Webb building at number 1 Poultry. He was also an active member of The Betjeman Society.

He played a key role in rescuing the London Society from oblivion. At the extraordinary meeting in December 2013 that was held to wind the Society up, I put forward a counter proposal and plan to revive the Society rather than kill it. My speech was received in utter silence by the assembled members and I was convinced the day was lost. Then Gayne got up and spoke passionately about the importance of the Society and how essential it was that it kept going. The mood in the room changed and when a vote was taken a substantial majority voted in favour of survival. And the rest is history, as they say. Thanks to Gayne.

Peter Murray OBE. Chairman 2014 - 2021

