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Category sponsored by Stiff+Trevillion

Why I Adore London

Arhaan Khan

Why do I adore London, I hear you ask?

Well because… why not?!

There is a Library of reasons.

But that is quite the task.

There! Over there!

Verdant royal parks,

Uncountable landmarks.

Lockdown came, 

Trapping us in a vast, never ending,

Hollow bubble of despair.

Optimism converted into gloom.

Enough is enough!

This is a utopia of madness!

Not a place full of tranquillity,

And happiness!

When all hope was lost, 

The key to freedom was found. 

A sense of anticipation.

Hope. Was. Restored.

At least we thought…

The 6 o’clock briefings,

Filled with restrictions.

Bound to be suffocated by protestors,

London was playing Russian roulette. 

Just like everything in life,

It must come to an end. 

Something is wrong, 

Disgusting, wretched beast still lingers!

Lockdown is in the shadows,

London will never surrender. 

Overall competition sponsor Almacantar

You can see all of the winning entries here, in a downloadable pdf, or online here

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